The defibrillator has now arrived!

The defibrillator has now arrived and is in the bright yellow box it lives in, out side Middleton Care Office in Middleton-in-Teesdale. The box is all wired up and ready for use thanks to Ian Mills for doing the electric work.ナイキ メンズ スニーカー シューズ Men’s Nike Air Huarache Run Ultra Casual Shoes Binary Blue/Black/Pure Platinum
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Defibrillator application sent

Just to keep everybody informed we have filled out the application for the semi-auto defibrillator today (17th Oct 2012), this hopefully will be mounted on the external wall of Middleton Care Office in Horsemarket, Middleton-in-Teesdale. We will also be holding some familiarization training once the machine is in place.
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Donation to Children Survival Skills and Outdoor Living Experience’s

We have donated £100 to Middleton-in-Teesdale School to go towards their “Forest School Project” which teaches the children survival skills and outdoor living experience’s. I had a day with them as a grandparent helper and we all had a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HUMMINBIRD7インチGPS魚探HELIX7 CHIRPダウンイメージ G2Nモデル GPSマップなし
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